Our PSC-6-1.2 Benchtop Slat Conveyor measures 1200mm (4 ft) in length and is designed for handling all types of containers regardless of shape or material; as long as they can stand of their own accord. Containers are normally fed to the conveyor for marking, coding or induction sealing.
This machines features a 316 Stainless Steel design ensure long-lasting durability and function with minimal maintenance. It has rubber feet to ensure traction on any surface regardless of material and also has an optional trolley available to allow it to fit into tight spaces in your production line.
This conveyor utilises an AC motor with a VSD controller this conveyor can be easily put into reverse at the touch of a button.
The PSC 1.2m is also available on legs at a standard height of 900mm, with lockable castors and height adjusting jacks
*Rent: Brand and model may vary. The machine will be identical in function.
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